About 14.tf

{14.tf} free & kind services for free & kind people

Hello and welcome on 14.tf !

Services hosted here are running without tracking, ADs, data analysis, censorship or any stuff of that kind.

Here is a short description of available services:

  • cloud14 - Nextcloud instance with integrated document edition and video chat. 1GB storage
  • mail14 - You email address @14.tf is useable on this page
  • vpn14 - Neutral VPN connectivity, unlimited bandwith
  • dns14 - DNS infrastructure you can use as your primary or secondary nameserver
  • jabber14 - Jabber server with open registration (drop an email to host your domain as virtual server)
  • hosting14 - Simple web hosting infrastructure (www/dbms)

If you want to use nextcloud, vpn, dns or have an email address hosted at 14.tf, drop an email at hello@14.tf. There is no other way to create accounts for these services at this time. Self registration are closed.

Thanks for reading ;-)