INVIDIOUS14 service This service is basically an invidious instance (youtube frontend) we run for our kind people :-) You can create an account, import your subscribed channels, customize your preferences and lot more! How it works Invidious will be a intermediate between you and youtube, meaning that youtube will see that invidious is watching a video, not you. That’s especially usefull if you don’t want to allow the bunch of google trackers to look at you.
[READ MORE]New video conference service
Video conference service This service based on the Jitsi free software to provide a free video conferencing service. As you may know, because of lockdown the Framasoft instance has been overloaded, so here is a brand new one to help you communicating. Here are some interesting features of this service: No need of registration No one will use the data or metadata of conferences Collaborative document editing is embeded (with Etherpad integration) You can access this new service from the menubar or direclty on https://meet.
[READ MORE]Website refresh
from static to static <3 website change from a home made one done with html/css to one generated with hugo hugo is a static website generator written in go easily themable and manageable with GIT.
[READ MORE]server migration
Almost all of the services provided on has been migrated to new servers. VPN was not impacted, minimum downtime has been managed on other services. Jabber server is the last and will be migrated in the next few days. Main changes From a user perspective the only change is the change from collabora online to onlyoffice on cloud 14 service.The reason was a weird bug in the TLS connexion to the docker container.
[READ MORE]lufi and etherpad instances shutdown
Hey, 2 services has been shutted down due the very small usage : lufi instance is no more available, if you still want to use that service, I suggest you to have a look to framasoft instance etherpad instance is now down as well. You can use the framasoft instance too. Seeya